Welcome to Sayegh Group’s website; within these pages you will learn more about our history, vision, values, products and services that we offer as well as our latest accomplishments.
Sayegh Group has managed to create a strong global presence, first and foremost by researching the latest technologies and continually looking for ways to improve the business. Secondly, by putting extensive effort into human resources and in the training of our staff, as we believe that a business is only as good as the people who work for it. And last but not least, we believe that having a strong managing team is extremely important to a successful business. Therefore, we always look for the most suitable system to run the family group.
We are proud of what we have accomplished in the last eight decades, and as we look toward the future with all its challenges and many opportunities, we look with great confidence. We carried forth that great gift of innovation and delivered it safely to future generations of the group and our customers, and continue to invest in people, creativity and new product opportunities for Jordan and our other markets across the world.
We will continue to make every effort to deliver outstanding value and unparalleled services to our customers.